Quickpay - Notice history

API - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2023 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2023
Sep 2023
Oct 2023

Payment - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2023 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2023
Sep 2023
Oct 2023

manage.quickpay.net - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2023 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2023
Sep 2023
Oct 2023

3rd party services - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2023 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2023
Sep 2023
Oct 2023

Quickpay Support Mail - Operational

100% - uptime
Aug 2023 · 100.0%Sep · 100.0%Oct · 100.0%
Aug 2023
Sep 2023
Oct 2023

Notice history

Oct 2023

Apple are experiencing problems with Apple Pay.
  • Resolved

    Apple is currently experiencing issues with Apple Pay.

    You can check the status at https://www.apple.com/support/systemstatus/.

    We do not anticipate providing further updates on this incident.

Sep 2023

Aug 2023

No notices reported this month

Aug 2023 to Oct 2023
